Submit your recipe

Let us feature your favorite healthy recipe for all to enjoy 



Submit your recipe by clicking here. You will open a google form that will allow you to submit all the necessary information. Once you submit your form you will immediately receive a document in your email that shows your recipe on a recipe card that is printable and shareable. 

Recipes do require macro information, image, ingredient list, and directions.

In the notes section you can include information about yourself or the recipe. 


We then proof read, upload photos, customize colors to get is website ready!

Once your recipe has been approved we will upload your recipe that includes your name and your social media links (if desired) on our website. So you can show it off to your friends, followers, and clients. 

You will receive a full web page dedicated to your recipe in a blog form that can highlight your own social media platforms and a printable recipe card. 

If you use any Muscle Supplements products available online in your recipe we will also give you a special discount code for yourself and followers to use on that item. 

Click here to submit your recipe.

You will be directed to a google form. Complete all necessary fields and you will receive  recipe card by email immediately after submission. We will proof read and upload your website once approved. (Usually takes 2 days)